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      Liquona have the tools and expertise to create awesome healthcare and pharmaceutical communications. We’ve produced hundreds of videos from medical training to diagnosis explainers, for clients including GSK and the NHS.  

      Why are Moving Image Communications so darn effective? 

      Consider this:

      • Our brains process images 60,000 times fast than text.
      • 93% of all human communication is non-verbal (Hubspot, 2017).

      That’s pretty impressive, right? But what does it mean?

      Essentially, images aid how a person interprets and understands information. From animation to infographics, live action drama and immersive experiences, there are many ways that visual communication can be produced.

      What can Moving Image Healthcare Comms Offer? 


      We created a staff training video for Delta KN. This is a perfect example of how Liquona can build bespoke moving image communications to suit your organisation’s needs.

      This project focused the decision making process around the diagnosis of patients with potential stroke symptoms.

      The videos are embedded into a training platform which facilitates interactive decision making. We have termed this a ‘branch narrative’ video, meaning that the user can choose between various options throughout the video. Then, each option takes the user down a specific branch of the narrative. This is a great tool for learning, as the user can identify the outcomes of their decisions whilst learning how to spot the signs of a stroke victim.

      Excitingly, interactive and immersive tools like Augmented and Virtual Reality are leading the way in a new wave of professional training solutions.

      … And they’re really cool. 

      delta KN behind the scenes

      Staff Communication

      Firstly, imagine there’s a new drug, updated policy or breakthrough research in your field. How do you best communicate this?

      Now you might be thinking: ‘messenger pigeon!’

      While it’s not a bad idea, we prefer a more digital approach.

      Animated explainers, live action training and virtual reality are just some of the tools that we have in our top secret safe. Guess the password, we dare you!

      Animated explainers are a really useful tool to explain complex or emotionally sensitive topics. Our animators convey these messages through clever use of short text and key phrases. The accompanying 2D or 3D animations are used to visually demonstrate the story or wider meaning or emphasise key information.

      Live action filming is great for internal healthcare communication like training videos. Live action content is great to evoke an emotional response from the user. Therefore, the content is more memorable and more effective in achieving learning objectives.

      Virtual reality is a tool that more companies are tapping in to, for its interactive nature. We have previously worked with the likes of See Ability to raise awareness about sight loss, and created VR content to replicate this for the users.

      A Sensitive Approach 

      It is paramount that potentially life changing diagnoses and treatments are handled sensitively.  

      Liquona believe that communicating difficult and highly personal information requires a sensitive approach. Our team of expert creators use their storytelling skills to create content that informs and educates its viewers.

      Meanwhile, our team always ensure they remain sympathetic to the message. See our IBD Storybook here

      Value to your Organisation 

      Here at Liquona, we believe communication is the key to strong relationships.

      Brand films (or homepage videos) are a useful way to encapsulate your values, ethics, and core identity. These videos are a valuable way to personify your organisation, to build trust, and to enhance your credibility among patients, clients, and staff.

      So, how does that sound? Contact us here or ring 0207 757 7473 to enquire about all things Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Communications today!