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      It is now easier than ever to advertise on TV with LIQUONA and AdSmart from Sky.

      Our syndicated ads make it easy for you to up your communications arsenal and target your consumers in their own homes.

      What's a syndicated ad you ask?

      Well, in short, we've done all the hard work for you!

      Our syndicated ad is a ready made tv advert. All we have to do is change the garden centre name, location, and customise the call to action at the end specifically for your business.

      AdSmart from Sky

      With AdSmart from Sky, you can choose where your advert is played down to specific streets. Once you've created your ideal target audience and customer persona, AdSmart will ensure that your advert is only played to relevant viewers, meaning two neighbours can be watching the same tv show but shown different ads in the breaks!

      To find out more about our syndicated advert, then contactΒ mark@liquona to have a no obligation chat today!