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      Animation helps your leadership get their key messages across.

      No we’re not talking about asking them to wave their arms around, or about turning your CEO into a talking meerkat...

      (But we can see you're tempted, now that you think about that)

      We’re talking about harnessing the power of engaging animation to illustrate key messages.

      And we did just this for our client: Institute of Biomedical Scientists (IBMS)



      The Institute of Biomedical Scientists (IBMS) is a membership organisation for 21,000 members.  Biomedical scientists and laboratory staff analyse fluids and tissue samples from patients, identifying diseases.

      As you can imagine that's been a busy profession during the pandemic. Our client wanted to create a film to celebrate all the incredible work its members are doing and to show the benefits of becoming a member – how the institute supports and progresses individuals through their career.


      Originally, we were set to film in hospital labs. Due to Covid, access became difficult.

      After discussions with the client, we came up with a creative and different approach.

      - Enter the dragon!

      Sorry - Wrong blog.

      - Enter the hybrid animation concept!

      We still filmed the master interview 'talking head' piece with Debra Padgett, the new president.

      But rather than shoot footage of biomedical scientists at work in laboratories, we created 2D animated scenes to show these scientists at work and how the IBMS supports their career.

      Animation actually opened up the possibilities for what could now be visualised; not just the literal but also the conceptual. Nice.

      During the pre-production stage we developed different animation styles for our client to choose from. That's because we had previously created a very simple 2D design style used in previous pieces, but now the animation needed to be able to portray much more, and a developed style was needed.

      As always; we want even new forms of media to be in-keeping with the existing brand, so that we help the client to grow a suite of materials. Materials should support each other and build a consistent brand presence.

      The film was 2 minutes in length: Half in-vision talking head. Half animated scenes.

      We made sure that the transitions between live action and animation were seamless, meaning the piece would feel coherent, and not at odds with itself.

      This hybrid combination of live action filming and animation plays to the strengths of both:

      • Animation liberates us to visualise literally anything, whether that is abstract or literal, enormous or microscopic. It also requires no travel or access.
      • Live action filming allows us to inject authenticity, personality and presence. In a piece to introduce the new president; this is essential. It is quicker to produce than animation.

      The IBMS President smiles for her filming session

      The client said

      We're really pleased with how it came together. It looks great. Really good work all round. As ever, an easy process and excellent outcome.

      So say 'hello' to Hybrid Videos.

      (Don't actually do that please. It would be odd. Videos can't talk back.)

      We are doing more hybrid film and animation videos, not just as a work around due to Covid  restrictions (although they are great for that) but because we believe it’s a really effective and engaging creative treatment.

      If your membership association or organisation needs to showcase it’s leadership, exciting plans for the year ahead or the customer / member journey why not use a hybrid of live action and animation to tell your story.

      Like really, why not?



      We still can't think of a good reason.

      #Membership #MEMCOM